Identifying symptoms of dog worms
There are 5 different types of dog worms (internal parasites) that can be found in a dog. They are: heartworms, hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms and whipworms. It is important to recognize the symptoms and characteristics if you suspect your dog may be infected.
Early detection is important because each type requires a different type treatment. Some dog worm infestations may show little to no symptoms, where other may dhow severe symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea and weight loss. Below is a list of common telltale symptoms of worm infestation in your dog.
• Dull coat
• Weight loss
• Appetite loss
• Pot-bellied appearance
• Coughing
• Low energy level
• Diarrhea
• Vomiting
Hookworms in Dogs and Puppies
Hookworms are also an intestinal worm and can affect a dog at any age. It is a small worm that hooks to the intestinal wall and sucks blood from the animal which causes anemia and possibly death. Because of their sharp teeth they can cause bleeding in the intestines. They can not be seen by the naked eye. Hookworms also live and grow to adulthood in the intestines. The hookworm is one of the classical intestinal parasites of puppies, the other being roundworms, tapeworms and coccidia. They can be transmitted to pups while in the mothers uterus or thru breast milk. Symptoms of hookworm infestations are: bloody stool, anemia, weight loss, pale gums, diarrhea and low energy level. Skin irritation can be a sign of severe infestation. Contact your vet if your dog displays any of these symptoms.
How infection occurs in dogs
Hookworm eggs are released into the intestinal contents and passed thru the animals stool. Once on the outside of the animal it has life stages to go thru before it can infect another animal. Hookworm larva can infect an animal in several ways. One is to penetrate the skin directly thru the feet, belly or any part of the body that touches the ground. Another way is to gain entry to the animal is to be present in soil that is licked and swallowed when the animal is cleaning itself. If not treated it can be lethal to young puppies. Infected puppies are commonly pale, weak and have long~standing deficiencies. They may or may not have diarrhea.
How to get rid of Hookworms
Treatment usually consist of oral medications, follow~up fecal exams, intravenous therapy and if necessary a blood transfusion. Hookworm infestation can kill your puppy before the worm is ever detected. This is why it is so important to keep up with veterinary visits and exams. Deworm with one of several products and should be repeated in approximately 30 days. A few suggestions are below:
•Fenbendazole (active ingredient in Panacur)
Fenbendazole ~ a very broad spectrum anthlemmintic and is highly effective against roundworms, hookworms and pinworms. It is also used to aid Giardia outbreaks. Routine treatment is once a day for 3 consecutive days. It is safe to use in pregnant and lactating female.
•Pyrantel Pamoate (Nemex, Drontal or Strongid T)
Pyrantal Pamoate~is a safe and effective de~wormer against roundworms, hookworms and pinworms. Repeat 2 to 3 times 2~4 weeks apart to eliminate all stages of the parasite. It is safe to use in pregnant females.
Roundworms in Dogs and Puppies
Round worms are the most common type of dog worm which affects the intestines and causes a pot-bellied appearance, mostly in puppies. They have a spagetti~like appearance. Symptoms of a severe infestation are: pot-belly appearance, diarrhea, vomiting, dull coat and weight loss. Contact your vet if your dog displays any of these symptoms.
How infection occurs in dogs
• During development in a pregnant mother (most puppies are infected this way)
• Nursing from and infected mothers
• Consuming infective worm eggs from soil in the environment
• Consuming prey that is carrying developing worms
How to get rid of Roundworms
Puppies should be dewormed every 2 weeks between 2 and 12 weeks of age, then monthly until 6 months old. Once a puppy reaches 6 months of age, they are less susceptible to contracting theses worms however, it is highly recommended to contact your vet to continue yearly exams. A number of deworming products are effective. some are over the counter and some are prescription. Many flea control and/or heartworm prevention products provide a monthly deworming which is especially helpful in minimizing environmental contamination. Below are a few suggestions:
•Pyrantel pamoate (active ingredient in Strongid, Nemex, HeartgardPlus)
Pyrantal Pamoate~is a safe and effective de~wormer against roundworms, hookworms and pinworms. Repeat 2 to 3 times 2~4 weeks apart to eliminate all stages of the parasite. It is safe to use in pregnant females.
•Fenbendazole (active ingredient in Panacur)
Fenbendazole ~ a very broad spectrum anthlemmintic and is highly effective against roundworms, hookworms and pinworms. It is also used to aid Giardia outbreaks. Routine treatment is once a day for 3 consecutive days. It is safe to use in pregnant and lactating females.
• Febantel (active ingredient in Drontal)
Tapeworms in Dogs and Puppies
Tape worms get its name from its long, flat, tape~like appearance. It is another parasite that affects the intestines and can be seen with the naked eye. Broken pieces of this worm would be found in the dog;s fecal matter, around the anus or in their bed and have a rice-like appearance. Common symptoms of severe tapeworm infestations are: abdominal pain, nervousness, severe itching around the anus, vomiting and weight loss. Contact your vet if your dog displays any of these symptoms.
How infection occurs in dogs
The only way a dog can get tapeworms is from fleas after licking and swallowing them. It then attaches itself to the intestines of the animal where it absorbs nutrients as food is being digested. They are passed through the animals stool or rear end where flea larval consume tapeworm eggs. When a grooming animal licks the flea and swallows it takes about 3 weeks from the time the flea is swallowed to the time tapeworm segments are noticed.
How to get rid of Tapeworms
Tapeworms are killed by different medications which can be given by injection or tablet. Droncit also known as Praziquantel is the recommended treatment. Over~the~counter deworming medication is not effective in eliminating this type of worm.
•Praziquantal ~ s a drug of choice that has been shown to be up to 95% effective in the treatment of adult tapeworm infections. Retreat on a regular basis to prevent reinfection.
Whipworms in Dogs and Puppies
Whipworms are long, thin whip~shaped worms that live in the dog’s colon and are not visible to the naked eye. They attach themselves to the intestinal wall and feed off of them which, in turn, causes intestinal bleeding. Common symptoms of whipworm infestations are: anemia, weight loss, flatulence, diarrhea with blood or mucus in the stool and lack of energy. Whipworms are the most difficult to eliminate in dogs. Contact your vet if your dog displays any of these symptoms.
How infection occurs in dogs
The large intestine is the home of the whipworm. The adult worms bite the tissue of the intestine and suck blood there. Eggs are laid inside the large intestine and passed with the stool. Once outside the animal it requires 2-4 weeks to become capable of infecting another animal. So this means that contaminated soil is the source of infection, not fresh feces. The animal is infected by consuming eggs usually during grooming.
How to get rid of Whipworms
Most common deworming medications do not work on whipworms so something special must be selected. The most common products are Panacur and Drontal Plus. Because of the long maturation cycle of this worm a second deworming is recommended. Treatment last for up to 5 days and is repeated after 3 weeks.
•Fenbendazole (active ingredient in Panacur)
Fenbendazole ~ a very broad spectrum anthlemmintic and is highly effective against roundworms, hookworms and pinworms. It is also used to aid Giardia outbreaks. Routine treatment is once a day for 3 consecutive days. It is safe to use in pregnant and lactating females.
Heartworms in Dogs and Puppies
Heartworms are parasitic worm that normally live in the right ventrical of the heart near blood vessels. They are transmitted from one animal to another by mosquitoes. They are spread by the mosquitos mostly during the warm months when they are active. The worms destroy the muscle and tissue of the heart and can cause congestive heart failure and result in death. At advanced states your animal would experience the typical signs of worms such as pot~belly, coughing, lack of energy and dull coat. Unfortunately, the symptoms of this disease are not evident until it has progressed to an advanced stage. If you suspect your pet has been infected see your vet for a blood test. Heartworms, although highly preventable, has the potential to be fatal if left untreated. Contact your vet if your dog displays any of these symptoms.
How to get rid of Heartworms
Puppies should be started on a Heartworm preventative by 8 weeks of age and given monthly for the life of your pet. Below are a few suggestions for heartworm prevention.
•HeartGard Plus
•Iverheart Plus
•Advantage Multi